Makeup and Motherhood

Posted by Marielle T on

It's important to take some time this weekend to spoil the person who loves us unconditionally every day of the year: our moms! We've asked our LUX gals what beauty advice their mom's shared with them over the years, but we wanted to know the mom side of the story.

Alia, one of our amazing LUX ladies and the proud mother of Aria, (her 17 month old daughter, who happens to just be the cutest!) talked with us about how her beauty routine has grown and changed though this exciting new time in her life.


How has being a mom changed your beauty routine?

Since having Aria I have definitely refined my signature look. If I am running late I can do a full face make-up in ten minutes now. When you have only a little time for yourself in the morning it's a lot easier to perfect, and then do the same style each day.



What products do you live and die by?

At this time the multi purpose products are like gold in my bag. Rouge Bunny's tinted moisturizer gives coverage and a kick of moisture to the skin. For my hair I swear by Bumble Pret-a-Powder for a great dry shampoo (who has time to shower daily?! ) and in a pinch you can sprinkle it on you as a body powder and it smells great.  I also started using Bumble's 'Don't Blow It' and it has saved me so much time on my hair!  

What products do you and Aria share?

Goe oil has been our favourite thing to share. It is one of my favourites because you can use it every where and it works wonderful on Aria's sensitive skin too. If I feel like making bath extra fun for both of us, I have been know to save a bit of Aria's Dirty Birdie Bath and enjoy my own purple coloured bath later. 



What is the best part of being a mom?

The best part of being a mom is the moments when you take the time to step back and see how far your little love has come. I love stopping to soak up a moment and enjoy it with my little lady and try to see the world through her eyes. They really do grow up so fast and it's so important to enjoy it.

Any final tips for spoiling yourself (beauty or otherwise)?

The best thing I have found to spoil myself is to take time to recharge. It could be by taking a bubble bath and lighting every last candle I own, or now that it is nice out taking a bike through some of Edmonton's amazing river valley trails. Time to myself is so important and it makes me a better mom when I am with Aria! 

That and I still turn to my own mom for advice all the time; s
he is always my first call if I have questions on anything baby related!


Thanks so much for the great tips Alia, and Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms in our lives! 


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